Sacraments & Prayer Life
Weekday & Weekend Liturgies
Monday – Saturday: 8:15am
Saturday (vigil): 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am & 11:00am
Thursdays from 6:00 – 7:00pm
Saturdays 3:30 – 4:30pm
The confessional is located in the back of the Chapel, which is closest to the entrance off of Naper Blvd.
Spend quiet time in prayer before Jesus present in the Eucharist. Our Adoration Chapel is open for prayer each morning before and after Mass.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is:
- Every Wednesday & Thursday from 9am to 7pm
- During Communio on the First Friday of the month from 7 to 8:30pm
The Seven Sacraments
We joyfully welcome you and your child into the life of Christ and the Church through the gift of Baptism!
As Catholics, we celebrate Sacraments as the visible sign of the graces and gifts that Jesus gives us. The Sacrament of Baptism is the first of the Seven Sacraments and as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), “Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life. Through Baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church, and made sharers in her mission…” (CCC 1213).
Parents have the unique responsibility for the education of their children; they are the first educators or catechists. They teach by their witness of the faith, through their values and attitudes, by their Christian example of love for Christ and his church. When children are baptized, parents accept the responsibility to raise their children in the practice of the faith…
(National Directory for Catechesis 234-235)
To arrange a Baptism at St. Margaret Mary Parish, please review the following before contacting the parish office:
Adults and children age 7+:
If you are an adult or your child is age seven or older, and you wish to seek the Sacrament of Baptism, please contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].
Infants and children under age 7:
Before contacting the parish office, please:
1. Review the Baptism process and requirements:
- Infants and children through age six will be baptized in a ceremony.
- Baptisms must be arranged with a parent of the child.
- Baptisms must be scheduled at least one month in advance.
- Baptisms typically take place every Sunday after the 11:00am Mass, around 12:15pm.
- The Baptismal Preparation Program is required for all parents, including parents who have already had other children baptized. The program includes short on-line videos and one in-person meeting. An email will be sent with more information, after you contact the parish to schedule the Baptism.
- There is a suggested offering of $100 for the church. You can donate online here or bring a check to the Baptismal Preparation meeting payable to St. Margaret Mary Parish.
2. Review the qualifications and role of Catholic godparents:
The important role of godparents extends beyond the Baptismal ceremony. He or she will help the parents in raising the child in the Catholic faith. A godparent should be someone who can be a good example and spiritual mentor for your child. Being a good godparent is ultimately about witnessing one’s own relationship with Jesus and the Church.
According to Canon Law of the Catholic Church, the minimum requirements for godparents are:
- He/she should be at least 16 years of age.
- He/she must be a fully initiated Catholic (having received all three Sacraments of Initiation -Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist).
- He/she must be a practicing Catholic, leading a life of faith.
- Only one fully initiated Catholic godparent is required (if two, only one male and one female).
- If the second godparent is not fully initiated, or is a baptized, non-Catholic Christian, he or she is considered a Christian witness.
- Non-baptized persons may not be a sponsor for Baptism, since they themselves are not baptized.
- If a godparent cannot be present, the parents may appoint another person (a proxy) to represent him/her.
- Parents cannot be the child’s godparents.
3. Click here to watch the brief Baptism Welcome Video for Parents.
4. Narrow down the top three Sunday dates that work for your family and the godparent(s).
Confessions are held Thursdays from 6 to 7pm, Saturdays from 3:30 to 4:30pm. The confessional is located in the back of the Chapel, which is closest to the entrance off of Naper Blvd.
If you haven’t been to confession in a long time, feel free to contact the parish office and set up an appointment for a private reconciliation with Fr. Max.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is usually received for the first time in second grade after completion of two years of religious education classes. Preparation for First Holy Communion includes:
Weekly religious education sessions for children
A sacramental retreat for children and parents in the month of March
First Communion Masses take place on the first Saturday in May.
First Reconciliation is made the previous fall.
Please see the Religious Education page for information.
Confirmation preparation begins in 9th grade and finishes at the end of 10th grade. Small groups, retreats, service projects and prayer are designed to help the young person prepare to be a disciple of Jesus.
Please contact the RE office at 630-369-0833, email [email protected].
Adults in need of confirmation should contact the parish office.
At St. Margaret Mary Parish (SMMP), the celebration of the Sacrament or covenant of Marriage is as important as the celebration of Mass on Sunday and is planned with the same care. We take your commitment seriously and we promise to assist you in every way possible during this time of preparation and planning. In this spirit, SMMP has the following policies for marriage preparation and wedding celebration inquiries.
- The bride or groom or the parents must be current, active parishioners of SMMP for at least six months before any planning can begin.
If you are new to the area and would like to register, you can complete a new parishioner registration form here: - Once you have been an active parishioner for at least six months, or if you have already been an active member of our parish for at least six months, you are ready to complete a Wedding Inquiry form – click here.
- On the form, you will provide TWO REQUESTED dates that you would like to have your wedding.
- The Sacrament Coordinator will check that the requested dates are available with the Church & Pastor and will tentatively hold the dates.
- On the form, you will also provide your general availability to meet with a Deacon.
- The Sacrament Coordinator will give your information to the Deacons with the tentatively requested wedding date.
- The assigned Deacon will contact you within the week to schedule a meeting with the bride & groom.
- The final date will be confirmed at the initial meeting with the Deacon.
Please note that once the final date is confirmed at the meeting with the Deacon, since our parish is part of the Diocese of Joliet, marriage preparation begins a minimum of six months before the wedding date.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for those in immediate danger of death but also for those suffering from physical, mental, or spiritual sickness. To arrange an anointing, please contact our parish office at 630-369-0777.
Every person in the world has a vocation, a calling from God. Holy Orders is the sacrament by which bishops, priests and deacons are ordained and receive the power and grace to perform their sacred duties. If you are discerning a call to the priesthood, the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Joliet attempts to help all people discern their vocation. If the Vocations Office cannot help you directly, we will try to connect you with the people that can help you.
Contact Fr. Steven Borello, Vocations Director: [email protected]
Need Help?
Please come to the parish office to request a Mass intention.
We, at St. Margaret Mary, know that the death of a loved one can be a time of great sadness and loss. Please be assured that our family of faith is here to offer you comfort and support. Please call the parish office at 630-369-0777 for more information.
To arrange for communion to the homebound, please email [email protected].
If you were baptized or confirmed at St. Margaret Mary and need a copy of your certificate, please email [email protected] with the following information:
- First & Last Name
- Type of Certificate – Baptism or Confirmation
- Approximate Month/Year of the Sacrament
- If you will pick it up or want it mailed to you
- If you’d like it mailed, please let us know the contact name & address you’d like us to mail it to.
If you need a letter permitting you to have your child baptized outside of our parish, please email [email protected] with the following information: