Attention SMMP parishioners: we want to hear from you!

Get Involved

Service has always been at the heart of our parish and there are countless ways to get involved. Whether you would like to serve during Mass, help the less fortunate, or teach the next generation, there is something here for you.

Worship Ministries


Altar servers are critical in helping our Sunday Masses run smoothly and reverently. All boys and girls in grades 3-12 are invited to be an altar server, and a 1 hour training is required. The servers process in with the cross and candles, assist with the Missal, the setting of the altar, receiving the gifts and processing out with the cross and candles. Training provided.

Email [email protected]

Being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a profoundly spiritual calling and a direct service to our faith community. Ministers may serve weekly at the Mass of their choice and should serve at least once every 3 weeks.

Regular training is provided along with a comprehensive written guide to the details of the ministry. The time commitment outside of serving a Mass is 4-6 hours a year. Internet-based sign up schedules are issued well in advance and correspond to seasons of the liturgical year. Ministers frequently serve for many years; we ask for a minimum 3 year commitment, understanding that life events can interfere with the commitment. Contact [email protected].

The greeter ministry is the perfect ministry for friendly people. Greeters arrive at mass a few minutes early to welcome parishioners and guests to our church. They help people find seats, assist those who bring up the gifts at the offertory, guide the priest to those who need communion brought to them and help ensure an orderly flow for communion. After mass they hand out bulletins and ensure the pews are clean. 

The time commitment varies from serving at 1-2 masses a month to 4 masses a month, depending on the mass, plus the occasional need to serve on holy days or at special masses. For more information contact [email protected].

Lectors proclaim the first and second readings at Mass. We try to use three different lectors at each Mass in order to give to maximum opportunity for people to participate in this ministry. High School students can participate at the teen Masses hosted by Chosen groups, and anyone Confirmed can be a regularly scheduled lector. To find out more, contact the Lector Coordinator at [email protected]

Sacristans prepare the Eucharistic gifts and vessels before each Mass and clean them after the Mass. This less visible ministry takes place behind the scenes, but is critical to each Mass. Training is provided and there is usually a particular need at the 12 noon Mass, but help is always welcomed at each of our Masses. To find out more about the ministry and training, contact [email protected].

The Eucharistic Adoration Committee promotes and coordinates opportunities for parishioners to encounter the Love of the Heart of Jesus through Eucharistic Adoration. The committee meets on an as-needed basis. For more information and to volunteer, email For more information, email [email protected]

Baptism Assistants greet the Baptism families after the 11am Mass. The volunteers assist the Deacons with the actual Baptism ceremony which lasts 30 to 45 minutes depending on the number of Baptisms. Volunteers for this ministry usually serve once every four to six weeks. For more information, contact [email protected].

Funeral ministers meet with families who have just suffered a loss, helping them plan the funeral liturgy. No experience in liturgy preparation is needed. Training is provided.

For more information contact [email protected]

Linen Launderers take care of the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals and towels used during Mass. Also the care of towels used during Baptisms. Linens must be picked up by Tuesday the latest and returned before Saturday 5 pm Mass. We are not responsible for the beautiful altar cloths which must be dry cleaned. For more information, contact [email protected].


Singers are invited to join the Schola Cantorum. The choir sings mostly traditional and classical choral anthems for mass. Schola Cantorum sings for weekend liturgies throughout the year except for the summer months (June-Aug). Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 PM in the church. Contact Jessica Chi, Director of Music, at [email protected].

The Contemporary Choir leads the congregation in song, enhancing the liturgical celebration with music. Weekly practices are held from fall through spring. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings. Contact Brian Pelz, Contemporary Choir director, via the Parish Office or at [email protected].

Open to all who would like to be part of the ministry.  The choir practices 30 minutes before each funeral. Members commit to come as often as possible with the understanding that no one person is able to attend all funeral liturgies. Contact Jessica Chi, Director of Music, at [email protected] to be on the email list.

The choir is open to children in grades K-6. The focus of the choir is to give children an opportunity to be involved in the mass through using their gift of singing, help develop their music and ensemble skills, and teach them foundational truths about the Catholic faith. 

The Children’s Choir will rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 – 6:30pm in the church, and will sing once a month at the 9am mass on Sunday morning. The choir will sing throughout the liturgical year, except for the summer months (June-August). Contact Jessica Chi, Director of Music, at [email protected].

Catechetical Leadership

Catechists share their faith while teaching the curriculum and helping the children on their faith journey.  Training and support are provided.

For more information, please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

Aides assist the catechists in the classroom with various activities and/or children with special needs.

For more information, please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

Substitutes are needed to teach classes when the regular catechist is unable to do so. Training provided.

For more information, please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

Christian Service Ministries

The Bereavement Ministry seeks to accompany people and their families in their journey of grief as they learn to adjust to the absence of their loved one’s physical presence and the resulting feelings of pain and loneliness. A bereavement minister is a compassionate person that gives the grieving person the time they need to grieve and listens without making judgement or giving advice. If you are in need of grief support or are interested in serving within this ministry, please email [email protected].

The Big Day of Service takes place in the fall and is a wonderful opportunity to be Christ. Participants sign up for service opportunities at the church or in the community. All ages are welcome.

For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected]

St. Margaret Mary Parish donates to organizations which serve the needy. A committee allocates these funds based upon human needs including feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, and providing for the physical and spiritual well-being of individuals and groups. This committee, comprised of parishioners, meets monthly starting in September to review donation requests.

Requests can be submitted starting on July 1. They are placed into our queue for review after all of the following documentation is received.

  • Copies of your mission statement, including a brief history of your organization.
  • Types and numbers of clients served.
  • The amount of aid requested and the purpose(s) the funds will be used for.
  • A copy of the letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service granting tax exempt status 501(c)(3).
  • A copy of your latest annual financial statement, including major sources of financial support. An audited version is usually required.
  • If appropriate, a copy of your latest filing of the IRS 990.
  • A year-to-date financial balance statement.


We ask that all requests be sent to St. Margaret Mary Parish Attn: Charitable Contributions Committee.

For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected].

The Christmas Giving Tree gives parishioners a chance to share Christmas gifts and food with families in need. For more information, email [email protected].

Daybreak Transitional Housing provides housing and supportive services to homeless families, while they work toward permanent housing and a quality of life that supports their needs. For more information, email [email protected].

The Earth Care Committee helps the parish become more eco-friendly; provides resources and opportunities for parishioners to care for creation; and advocates for environmentally responsible policies and legislation. For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected]

Parishioners are encouraged to regularly donate non-perishable food items to help those less fortunate in our community. Donations are taken to Loaves & Fishes Community Services. For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected].

Our parish collects food baskets for families of six in need at Christmas and Easter. These meals are given to local social service agencies and distributed to low-income families in our area. For more information and to volunteer, email  [email protected]

The Knights of Columbus is a worldwide Catholic fraternal organization for men that provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities for service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. St Margaret Mary Council 16011 invites all Catholic men of the parish to join our Council. Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Contact the Grand Knight at [email protected].

For more information, visit the Knights of Columbus Page.

Members serve God under the banner of Mary by the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy. The main activities include door to door evangelization, inviting all to our parish with a weekly bulletin, looking for any needs such as religious articles, materials, elderly needs and asking if homes have been blessed. For more information, email [email protected].

The Men’s Club strives to serve God, each other, our parish and community in a spirit of camaraderie. We organize charitable activities such as April in Parish, and sponsor family activities such as the annual parish picnic, bingo night and family fun night. All parish men 18 years of age and older are invited to join us every third Tuesday of the month at 6:15pm in the Parish Center. You are already a member! For more information email [email protected].

For more information, visit the Men’s Club Page.

The Pastoral Care Ministers bring comfort and a caring heart to the sick and homebound of our parish and surrounding areas. We take Holy Communion to those who are unable to come to church. We visit parishioners in their homes, or at the hospital; we do a Sunday morning prayer service at Sunrise Assisted Living Home; and we visit people at St. Patrick’s Nursing Home. To schedule a pastoral visit contact the parish office at 630-369-0777. For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected].

The SMMP PADS Ministry supports the homeless at the IHC (DuPage PADS Interim Housing Center) in two roles:

  1. We supply dinner once a month at the IHC.
  2. We volunteer in the IHC linen laundry.
  3. We volunteer and help buy supplies in the IHC Resource room.
For more information and to volunteer, contact: [email protected]

The Pro-L.I.F.E. Committee works to spread the pro-life message by following the Bishops’ pastoral plan for pro-life activities: education, pastoral care, affecting public policy and prayer. We work to bring attention to the sanctity of life for all people in all stages. For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected].

The Refugee Support Group provides direct service to refugee families in our community and plans educational programs and advocacy opportunities to live out the Church’s teachings on migrants and refugees. For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected]

The September Social Club’s aim is for seniors to socialize and have fun, meet new friends and greet old friends, and to be there to support each other on joyous occasions and at difficult times. For more information, email [email protected].

Inspired by Gospel values, SVdP, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder Blessed Frédéric Ozanam and patron St. Vincent de Paul.

SVdP offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served.

While no work of charity is foreign to the Society, we at SMMP help those in our local area with basic needs such as shelter (rent or mortgage payments), food, medication, utilities and gasoline. We give aid to parishioners and those living within our parish boundaries no matter their faith. Should you need assistance, contact the parish office (630) 369-0777 or to volunteer, email [email protected].

Cash donations

Should you wish to contribute, SVdP envelopes are in the narthex and can be placed in the collection basket.

Donations hamper in our church

Donations can be placed any time in the large blue hamper located in the upper hallway just off the narthex. We collect:

  • clothing
  • bedding
  • small housewares
  • toys

Donations help supply the six thrift stores in the Joliet diocese. Proceeds from the thrift stores are distributed back to the parishes where funds are needed.

For donations of furniture and larger items, call (630) 231-4658 to arrange free pick up at your home

Automobile Donations

  • Cars are accepted, running or not
  • Cars in best condition are given directly to those in need, often allowing someone to maintain to a job
  • Cars in poorer condition are sold at auction with proceeds used to make sensible, minor repairs on cars

SVdP frequently has several people on the waiting list in need of a car. Contact (630) 293-9755 for more details.

Your donations are needed & are greatly appreciated!

The Welcoming Committee is a new organization consisting of many different backgrounds and talents. The committee exists in order to provide opportunities to gather in Jesus’ name and encounter Him through fellowship. Time is the common theme with the group willing to create a welcoming, hospitable environment for new parishioners and existing parishioners. Radical Hospitality! The committee meets monthly. For more information and to volunteer, email [email protected]