Faith Formation

Religious Education

We at St. Margaret Mary look forward to accompanying families in the sacramental, spiritual, and moral formation in the Catholic Faith, and equipping parents to embrace their call to raise their children as life-long disciples of Jesus.

For more information about our Pre K – Grade 8 programs, please contact Jacqui Snyder, Director of Religious Education, at [email protected].

For more information about our high school program, please contact Noelle Daugherty, Director of Youth Ministry, at [email protected]

Children ages 3 and 4 years old are invited to participate in our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass (from 8:55-10:05 a.m.)

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd emphasizes hands-on learning using Montessori methods to help each child develop their personal relationship with God. The focus is on the unconditional love of the Good Shepherd. We use quiet movement exercises and practical life activities designed to help young children learn to focus and pray, as well as simple materials to present lessons including parables, Bible stories, geography, liturgical colors and seasons, Baptism, the Holy Eucharist and the gestures and items used at Mass. Registration is required. Limited to 12 children.

For more information please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected]

Kindergarten – 5th grade classes are held at the parish

  • Monday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.


  • Kindergarten:  Allelu!, published by Our Sunday Visitor
  • Grades 1-5:  Alive in Christ, published by Our Sunday Visitor


Catechist Resources:

For more information please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

6th – 8th grade classes are held in-person:

  • Monday: 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Alive in Christ, published by Our Sunday Visitor

We invite all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders into our weekly sessions to address four areas of their development – Prayer, Community, Service, and Faith Formation. Small groups spend time integrating their faith into their everyday lives through prayer, catechesis and discussion. They are facilitated by parents and young adults who have a passionate faith and know how to create a safe environment for our youth to grow. We use Our Sunday Visitor’s Alive in Christ Junior High Thematic Series featuring engaging stories and explorations of relevant topics and themes, Scripture and Tradition, meaningful activities, prayer, faith at home resources, and a variety of features that inspire young adolescents to truly explore, understand, and live their faith.

7th Grade also utilizes Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed, a five week study on the Mass for teens that features powerful cinematography, inspiring presenters, and engaging workbook resources. For more information, visit

8th Grade also utilizes Envision: Theology of the Body (TOB) for Middle School. The TOB curriculum is based on Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, which offers a very positive message of the gift of sexuality as a good and essential part of love and life. This program is designed to cut through the noise of today’s culture and inspire young people to envision a life of authentic freedom and love. Click on the video below for a preview:

For more information please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

2024-2025 First Reconciliation Information


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in the second grade using the Blessed curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in a group celebration.

All parents of First Reconciliation and First Communion candidates are required to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, September 15 at 7pm in the Upper Room. There you will receive more specific information and be given tools to help your child(ren) prepare for these important milestones.

It is vital that parents help their child prepare for this sacrament and become aware of the theology we are teaching their child regarding sin and forgiveness. Preparation for First Reconciliation includes:

  • Regular Faith Formation sessions weekly.

  • Parent/Child Sacrament of Reconciliation Retreat – November 2, 9am – Noon

  • Celebration of First Reconciliation in a large group setting: Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30pm.

For more information please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

2024-2025 First Communion Information

First Communicants will make their First Reconciliation in the fall. Please refer to that tab for more information.

All parents of First Reconciliation and First Communion candidates are required to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, September 15 at 7pm in the Upper Room. There you will receive more specific information and be given tools to help your child(ren) prepare for these important milestones.

Also, two sacramental parent/ child retreats are required for First Communicants:

  • Saturday, November 2, 9 am – Noon (Reconciliation)
  • Saturday, March 15, 9 am – Noon (First Communion)


First Communion Mass times:

  • Saturday, May 3: 10 am or 1 pm Masses
    A lottery for mass times will take place at the end of the November 2nd retreat after parents select their first choice mass time.


Rehearsals will take place on the date and times listed below. All children and at least one parent must attend the practice, which lasts around an hour long. 

  • May 1st – 4pm (1st Communion Rehearsal for 10am Mass)
  • May 1st – 5:30pm (1st Communion Rehearsal for 1 pm Mass)


For more information please contact Jacqui Snyder at [email protected].

2024-2025 Confirmation Information

Confirmation preparation begins freshman year in high school with the Chosen program. Small groups, retreats, socials, service projects and prayer are designed to help the young person make a mature and thoughtful decision for Confirmation. When the teen feels ready to confirm his/her faith, and has completed the necessary prerequisites, she/he may choose to be Confirmed as a sophomore, junior or senior.

Preparation for Confirmation includes:

Prior to making Confirmation Sophomore year, students must:

  • Choose their Confirmation name
  • Choose their Confirmation sponsor
  • Write a full page reflection letter to Fr. Max explaining how they have prepared to receive the sacrament and their reasons for wanting to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Click here for instructions.
  • Write a two-page service learning reflection paper based on a teaching of the Catholic tradition and their service experience. 
  • Complete a Confirmation interview. 

For more information contact Noelle Daugherty, Director of Youth Ministry, at [email protected]


How do I choose a sponsor?

The Catechism suggests that confirmands should choose a spiritual mentor to help them prepare for Confirmation. It is most appropriate for that sponsor to be one of the baptismal godparents to emphasize Confirmation as part of the sacraments of Initiation and connected to Baptism. If that is not possible, a sponsor may be chosen who is a confirmed Catholic, actively practicing their faith, over the age of 16, and free from any impediment of law to fulfill their role as sponsor. The sponsor cannot be one of the candidate’s parents. 

How do I choose a confirmation name?

Our diocesan policy states:  Candidates whose given/baptism name is not Christian should choose a Confirmation name from the names of canonized saints.  Other candidates may choose a Confirmation name.  Whether they keep their baptism name or choose a confirmation name, the candidates should have a good knowledge of their patron saint (even if they have chosen the name to honor a relative or friend).

What should I wear for the Confirmation Mass?

Please have the boys wear dress slacks, shirt and tie.  The girls should wear dresses, skirts or dress slacks.  Please remind the girls to maintain modesty in regard to the length of their skirt and the neckline.  Sponsors should be encouraged to follow a similar dress code. Please be sure that the name tag is clearly visible to the Bishop and not covered by hair or clothing.

If your child is age seven or older, and you wish them to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation and Communion, please contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

All Saints Catholic Academy is a regional Catholic school that is supported, in part, by Saint Margaret Mary Parish. For more information, please visit their website.

Adult Faith Formation

We offer many opportunities of discovering God through speakers, small discussion groups, Bible study and more. With offerings for all generations and situations, we want to accompany you on your journey of faith as you encounter Jesus and grow in discipleship.

For more information, contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

“Discovering Christ, always again and always more fully, is the most wonderful adventure of our life.”

Alpha is a program designed to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. Alpha is centered on sharing a meal, building community, considering a topic and discussing that in light of our individual lives. The Alpha course usually meets once a week for 9 weeks. 

For more information, visit the Alpha page or contact Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, previously known as RCIA, is a faith journey for those desiring to become full participating members of the Catholic Church. The process of conversion provides individuals with an encounter with Christ, instruction and formation about the Catholic faith and preparation to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

For more information, contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

The Bible has been described as our “love letter from God”. St. Augustine tells us, “To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek him, the greatest adventure…”

Come join us on this “great adventure” to know God in his Word and to understand where we fit in the story of Salvation. It is in this understanding, we discover the plan for our lives!

Our parish Bible Study meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For your convenience, sessions are offered in the morning and evening. 

For more information, contact Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

“Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you – for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart.  St. Therese of Lisieux

Join us for Communio (kom-mu-ni-o), an evening of adoration, prayer and fellowship held on the First Friday of every month. The evening begins at 7pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by a faith reflection by a guest priest. After the reflection, there is an hour of Eucharistic Adoration which includes both praise and worship music, as well as moments of silent prayer. Confessions are also offered by a few priests. Adoration concludes with Benediction around 8:30pm, followed by a time for fellowship with light refreshments. You are welcome to come and go or stay the entire time.

Our Families in Faith group is designed for families with school-aged children from kindergarten to 5th grade. The group meets bimonthly for fellowship, food, and to support each other in living out their Catholic faith. Activities include cookouts, bonfires, Gaga Ball, a chili cook-off and game night.

For more information, contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

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The Lattes and Littles group designed for adults and their small children ages 0-5 years. The group gathers weekly for fellowship, fun, and to support each other in living out their Catholic faith. Activities include gathering at local parks, splash pads and water parks, visiting the Arboretum and Herrick Lake, as well as going apple picking and visiting a pumpkin farm.

For more information, contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Kelly Reznicek at [email protected].

A gathering of women sharing fellowship and faith with the intent of deepening our relationship with Christ. Through scripture, storytelling, video, song, reflection and sharing we encourage each other to live the gospel daily. Join us monthly in the Upper Room as we enjoy coffee and tea, light refreshments and conversation together.

For more information, visit the Women’s Café page.